It is the spirit of service, and the goal of spreading a design thinking mindset, that has me excited about the courses I'm developing to encourage leadership and innovation. I gained great experience as a servant leader in the Army and am happy to have a chance to put these skills to good use again. With any of my efforts teaching, I have the student's best interests at heart.
I had some amazing adventures when I was in the Army 10+ years ago. Here are a few pictures from that era:
LT Olson as "Apache 16": Platoon Leader 1-A-1-4IN

Preparing to depart on a night infiltration. Last minute coordination at the Tactical Operations Center meant I hadn't camoed up yet.

CPT Olson on the left. One day prior to conducting a Motorized Rifle Regement attack (100+ armored vehicles rolling out). Which piece of equipment that I'm carrying is the most important to this dismounted reconnaissance mission?

Despite being an Infantry Officer, I spent *a lot* of time maneuvering combined arms armored units (Tanks + APCs). Don't let the smile fool you, a few days in the snow in a metal box gets cold fast (although I did love this work!)...

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