Americans spend 500 billion dollars each year on energy. As populations and appetites increase, the world faces a challenge of significantly growing energy needs. Many unique energy sources are available. To meet future energy needs, engineers need to design technology to contribute new ways to harness energy, increase efficiency, and better transport and store energy.
Your task as a class is to prepare a presentation on the different energy sources we use collectively as a society (9 types from the graphic above). The class must cover each of the sources listed.
Presentation Grading (4 pts)
The presentation is worth 4 points. The content and presentation standards will be selected and agreed upon by each class period (listed below). Half your score will be based on how well you as an individual address the agreed upon content and presentation standards. The other half of the score will be earned by the class collecitvely.
2nd Period Considerations:
• Energy Source - Overview, Steps for Harnessing Energy, Major Energy Uses
• Consideration of Efficiency/Conservation
• Costs - Setup, Consumer Costs
• Unified look/theme to entire presentation
• Reduced Text - Use bullets and talk to them
• Effective Images - do they tell a story?
4th Period Considerations:
• Uses
• Effect
• Pros/Cons
• Effiecy
• New Developments
• Unified Theme
• Bullet Points - "Speak to the bullet points"/"Write less, talk more"
• High Value Images - Do your images tell a "Story"?
Other Considerations (Your period may not have selected these as relevant for the presentation but please consider them anyways):
• Is the energy source classified as nonrenewable, renewable, or inexhaustible?
• What are the infrastructure requirements for utilizing this energy source?
• What emerging technologies will make this energy source safer, more usable, more efficient, cleaner, etc?
Blog Post Grading (2pts)
Post the images of your section of the "Energy Sources!" Presentation to your Blog. Copy and paste the following questions into your post after your slides and answer them.
1. Describe one thing that surprised you about the energy source that you researched and presented.
2. Describe one thing that surprised you about an energy source that another team presented.
3. Describe and defend what you believe to be the most important technological need regarding energy.
I found that graphic about nuclear energy I read in a National Geographic
Its that page and the one to the right.
Wow... very cool! I love that it has a "sorting" process involved so that pebbles either continue through the process or are removed once spent. Thanks for sharing :)