Client: Mr. Mueller
Target Consumer: High school students
Designer: You!
Problem Statement: School lockers are a mess. Students can never find a pen, pencil, or calculator, and their homework is always getting lost. Those who bring their lunch to school often find their food crushed under a sea of books and binders. Because of the clutter, it is often hard for students to close their locker doors completely.
Design Statement: Design a high school locker organization system that will neatly contain items commonly used and kept in school.
1. Design must fit within your school locker.
2. Easy to install.
3. Must hold 20 lbs of books and binders.
4. No flammable materials.
Break into your 2 person teams to collaborate with a partner on this project. Work with them to investigate the physical constraints of our CHS lockers (you may go into the hall for 10 minutes to do this... do not disturb any other classes!)
Design Phase
Identify the Problem
Investigate the CHS lockers
Brainstorm Solutions
Sketch Three Possible Solutions (include labels and important dimensions)
Identify Criteria and Constraints
Select an Approach (justify selection with specifics)
Prototype Phase
Craft your design in CAD:
-Use an assembly of parts.
---Create an Isometric view of your assembly.
---Create a multiview drawing.
-----Label your multiview drawing with dimensions.
Each student will do their own CAD work (You may collaborate in and outside of your team but the actual work must be your own).
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