Engineering Curriculum at Coronado High School: 2010 - 2014

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


What movie won best picture at the Oscars this weekend?

What is this movie about?...


Speech impediments aside, what is the movie really about?

There are two aspects of the story that are relevant to our class:

-First, the story is about a reluctant leader that must learn the skills he needs to actuallize his potential. This resonates with our efforts to facilitate your personal and technical development. We want you to be capable, productive members of society.

-Secondly, and of great importance to your blogging efforts, who would have thought you could make a gripping experience about what is in essence the tale of the friendship of two middle aged men?! If the writters could make a captivating story out of a 20th century "bro-mance", then the challenge for you is to see what you can bring to your blog posts to make their narrative more interesting to the reader.

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