Engineering Curriculum at Coronado High School: 2010 - 2014

Friday, March 25, 2011

Egg Drop Challenge: Iteration #1 Blog Post Write Up

(a list of team weights from our first annual Egg Drop Challenge. 5th period on the left, then 3rd and 4th period on the right. Click to enlarge.)

Below are instructions to help you structure your Egg Drop Challenge write up. Your write up will be scored for your grade on the activity.

1) Title your post "Egg Drop Challenge - Iteration #1"

2) At the top of your post list the following:
"Total # of Achievements Earned: X"
(where X is the number you earned)

3) Post an image of your Egg Drop solution.

4) Justify (list and explain) your Achievemtns. Use images as appropriate. For organization's sake, use the categories provided in the Egg Drop Achievement List.

5) What designs from your class did well? Based on the achievements you earned, how would you redesign your solution to score better? Be specific (sketches with labeling work well for this).

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Olsen, could you check the first page of posts on my blog?
    Thank you.
