Engineering Curriculum at Coronado High School: 2010 - 2014

Thursday, February 24, 2011

RoboPro: Subprograms and Meters

We're continuing our efforts at getting our heads around the capabilities of Robopro, our visual programing development environment.

The subprogram capability of the software will help us modularize our programing efforts by creating reusable functions we can apply to multiple programs.

Create a program that encapsulates the functionality from our previous lesson within a subprogram (incrementing a variable). Create a Main program that successfully uses your subprogram.

Use a meter and a text display to communicate your variable value on the main program screen.

-A concise sentence or two that summarizes the activity
-Screenshots of your program that show off the subprogram and metering

-What are the benefits of using subprograms within your team development projects?

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