Engineering Curriculum at Coronado High School: 2010 - 2014

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blog Assignment: Survival At Sea Game

We've had a lot of fun debating the merits of the 15 items from our survival at sea game.

Write a post on your personal engineering blog by the end of the day Friday. Your summary and analysis of the event are worth 10 points.

Address the following:
  • Intro: A brief summary of the activity.
  • Personal Prioritization: List your prioritization of the items. Share your reasoning on your top 2 picks and your bottom choice. Were there any items you had a hard time choosing a ranking for?
  • Team Prioritization: What priority did your team agree on? Talk about an item the group ranked similarly to you. What was something the group ranked far differently than you? What was something you and the group ranked similarly? How did your group work together?
  • Expert Prioritization: How did your choices compare to the "official" Coastguard choices? Were there any big surprises between the two? What do you put more weight in, expert opinion or experiential data? Why?

Consider the following when preparing your post:
  • Efficiency: What's the most effective way of presenting or organizing your information? Your goal is to create the most value possible with your posts (max unique content in the briefest effective write up).
  • Specifics: Avoid generalities... include concrete content!
  • Humor: was there anything funny your group discussed or came up with?

If you have any questions please follow up with me or post a comment below. Thanks :)

1 comment:

  1. In this activity we had to prioritize a 15 item list in order of importance. I chose the shaving mirror, for signaling obviously, and the opaque sheeting (for cover and gathering rain). I had a decent comparison to the coast guard with eight out of fifteen items correct. My team scored only one, which shows who should be listened to just a lil' bit more.
