Engineering Curriculum at Coronado High School: 2010 - 2014

Thursday, April 21, 2011

T-Minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

I've been working over break to get a project along these lines together for us...

Wish me luck!

Anyone have any ideas what kind of a video camera they mounted to the rocket? Extra credit available if you can research and share good info on what this may be.


  1. I was stumbling along the blog and I came across this video. I instantly became intrigued and wanted to find out what king of camera was being used. So, I did some research and found the X-10 XCAM wireless surveillance camera which seems what would most likely have been used. It is small, efficient, and will not mess with the trajectory of the rocket too much. Hope this brings some insight to rocket cameras!

  2. OK, very interesting. Do you have a link to any info about this? Tell me more in class. Thanks.
